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Tudor Music Afterlives

Released October 2022

'A fascinatingly varied yet coherent programme of music, containing some staggeringly fine pieces, excellently performed... this combination of cutting-edge scholarship and outstanding performance gives us a recording of the highest quality, apt for edification and pleasure'
Early Music Review

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£20+£2.50 postage and packaging

For any queries about payment and delivery, please contact our
development director, Lorna, at

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Robert Fayrfax - Music for Tudor Kings and Queens

Released October 2021

'What riches for those inclined to luxuriate in the heavily cloth and densely woven sonic thread of Robert Fayrfax's choral music ... upper voices set the tone, painting in the bold colour-saturated strokes of the Gothic manuscripts of this period - the effect is ear-engulfing and dynamic ... the composer's only surviving four-part Mass is ear-twistingly intricate ... a compelling start from a new group I think we'll be hearing a lot more of'
Gramophone Magazine

Five stars and front cover feature - Choir and Organ
2021 Gramophone Awards nominated album

£15+£2.50 postage and packaging

For any queries about payment and delivery, please contact our development director, Lorna, at

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Tomas Luis de Victoria

Castle Howard - January 2019

On January 11th, 2019, EPV were delighted to have access to the private chapel of Castle Howard, North Yorkshire, for a day's recording and exploring one-to-a-part ensemble singing in a building roughly of royal household chapel size.

Five works by our hero -Victoria - are available to listen to and purchase here. An early snapshot of the ensemble sounding very young, a few years out of university!

© Ensemble Pro Victoria 2023. All rights reserved.

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